Md Morshedul Islam

Hey, I'm Morshed 👋

I'm working as a software developer at Asiatic Mindshare Bangladesh, with expertise in JavaScript, Python and a growing interest in C#. I'm also enthusiastic about exploring the realms of machine learning. I'm also a competitive programmer(c++).

About Me

I'm Morshed, a passionate software developer from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I graduated from Rangamati Science and Technology University with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, achieved CGPA 3.56 out of 4. During my university years, I actively participated in competitive programming and dedicated myself to a blood donation and social organizations. In my final year, I exporled machine learning and deep learning and worked in Bangla natural language processing and published a conference paper. Currently, I'm thriving as a full-stack developer at Asiatic Mindshare Limited, where I continue to explore and contribute to the world of technology.
Morshed Pic







Bus Ticket Booking System

The Bus Ticket Booking System aims to provide users with a convenient and user-friendly way to search for bus routes, book tickets, and manage their travel plans online.


This project is a web application that visualizes various sorting algorithms. It provides a visual representation of how different sorting algorithms work by animating the sorting process step by step.

Bangla Fake News Detection

It is a notebook using python for Bangla Fake News Detection. Several machine leaning and deep learning algorithm applied after data cleaning and preprocessed

Medical Report Test using AI

A flask app for detecting diabetes, heart disease and liver deisease. Algorithm Used: Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression

Get In Touch

Whether it's a simple greeting or a more substantial matter, I'm committed to promptly responding. Best regards!

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